For a fun writing exercise, try sitting down for five minutes to write about something using only one syllable words. It’s good for your brain and can be entertaining to read afterwards.

For an example, here’s a piece I wrote in a short sitting about my half blind cat named Uno.

Try it yourself!


Plopped down, flopped on one side. Curled in the round of your cat bed.

That look on your face, of half-ease, eyes that would be crossed if you had them both. You need sleep, bud.

Then your ears go flat and back, your head turns to your flank. Out comes the pink tongue, rough strokes on black fur. First long, slow licks, then some short and quick. On the same spot, smooth and wet–lick, lick, lick. Then once more. And more still to be sure it’s clean.

Not one lick missed, you tend to all of you…now groomed, cleaned, soothed to sleep