Maybe it’s from all those childhood years of eagerly starting a new grade, or even a new school, in the fall. Or maybe it’s because as fall sets in we know the year is nearing it’s end, leaving us one last quarter to achieve what we set out to do for the year.

Whatever the reason, fall is an energized and inspired time of the year. As a coach, I’m fascinated by how, next to January, September is the second month in which people are most motivated and driven to create positive change or bring to reality ideas and aspirations they’d previously only thought about.

Fall is a natural time for starting new routines, recommitting to previously set goals, laying the groundwork for goals for the next new year, or seeing to an end and reaping the outcomes of efforts started previously but set aside.

Before the bustle and demands of the holiday season, September and October are ripe months full of opportunity. This is the time to refocus your vision, replenish your motivation, refine your plans and next steps, or reorient yourself to your priorities and shed what doesn’t align with them.

I can’t wait for the month ahead because I’ll be connecting with people who are eager to enhance their success and fulfillment and not content to slide listlessly into the end of the year.

And…I am REALLY excited that on Thursday September, 22 at Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge, CO, I will be sharing tips and strategies for actively engaging in and deliberately claiming your success.

Join me for this free event, OWN IT:  The Secret to True Success AND Fulfillment. Let it be your motivation to plan a long weekend away from your usual grind. Let it be a chance to “retreat” to envision how you will reclaim ownership in creating the success and fulfillment you deserve, and make a concrete plan for how you will make it happen.

Going into autopilot as fall sets in, putting off decisive action, saying you’ll change in January, means you’re losing valuable time. This fall don’t let the sun set too early on your potential, don’t just admire that the leaves are changing into vibrant colors; shine on and be brilliant YOURSELF.

Remember…It’s your career. It’s your life. Don’t leave success to chance.

Liv Sig

PS:  If you have a nagging suspicion that now really IS the time to get busy on creating change and no longer accepting success as others define it for you (and being dissatisfied and disappointed as a result). We need to talk! Reach me today at or 303.912.5726.


Own It_CMC_September 2016