To really SURGE ahead in success things have to change.
As I shared last week, an important step in discovering the best and most appropriate actions to take in creating the success that you want is to look closely at your habits. Your habits, especially those that have become so ingrained that they are now invisible, are the hiding places of sneaky sabotages that will hold you firmly from the success you are capable of creating.
Yet, as critical as it is to look intently into those habits and to identify specific new steps, processes, ways of thinking, approaches, and even ways of talking that are better aligned with the success you want, that step will yield no momentum without ACTION.
Follow through is where the rubber meets the road and can truly carry you forward. Without action we stay stuck…but with action things change. YIKES!!
What’s comfortable and regular gets disrupted…
Where we knew what to expect we become clueless…
Where we typically act with certainty we feel trepidation…
Where we typically operate automatically and with little thought, we have to act deliberately and with full attention…
This kind of change is why Tip #2 is so important! (Just ask David Bowie!)
Surge on!